If you’re used to always overeating and feeling really full, it can feel uncomfortable to eat only until you’re no longer hungry. You have to train your body/mind to eat smaller amounts, and to actually allow your stomach to feel empty and hungry before your next meal.
Place your food portions attractively on a plate. Sit down and eat slowly, enjoying the food’s taste and texture. Then use these tips to signal your body (and mouth) eating for that meal/snack is over.
1. Drink a hot beverage. Herbal teas come in all flavors of mint and fruit. Sweeten with a packet of Splenda and sip slowly. You can also use decaf coffee, but stay away from creamers an

2. Chew gum. Sugar-free gum also comes in many flavors of mint and fruit. Strong minty flavors seem to work best for signaling the taste buds and mind that eating is over.
3. Brush your teeth. Thoroughly brush your teeth with strongly flavored toothpaste. While you’re at it, floss and rinse with mouthwash. A fresh, clean mouth likes to stay that way.
4. Drink flavored water. Fill a large water bottle with cold water and some ice. Add a squeeze of lemon juice or a dry packet of diet drink mix. Carry it with you and sip on it for the next hour.
5. Get out of the kitchen. Put all food away, out of sight, and leave the kitchen. If you’re at a restaurant, lay your napkin over the leftovers or ask for them to be boxed.
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