You’re not alone. So many people have lost weight for a time, then slid back down the slippery slope into bad lifestyle habits. I lost and gained at least a half dozen times. And what a wretched feeling it is.
I recently caught up with one of my past clients. He’d lost a lot of weight, but gained it all back during a transitional time in his life. Now he is working at weight loss again. Though the pounds aren’t coming off quickly, he’s at peace. He knows that this time around, he needs to make changes that can be part of his life, forever. Not a diet. Not a flash in the pan. But lasting changes. He signed off his email as “slow and steady.”
I couldn’t give better advice. The healthy changes you make need to be ones you can sustain and live with day after day, month after month, year after year. Even if your progress is slow, as long as it’s progress. Keep moving toward your goal. Keep making adjustments, doing better, making healthier choices.
Slow and steady always wins the race in the end.
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